Welcome to the SPL Discourse forum.
We are all joined by our passion for robotics and football, and whilst we are competitors on the field, the suite of communication tools outlined below are aimed at bringing us closer together enabling us to collaborate on developing our community for the future.
Whether you want to discuss research topics, plan and develop workshops or STEM programs, propose and organise events, discuss/resolve technical challenges and problems, network with others in our community, or just throw up ideas, we hope the provided tools will assist you in your endeavours.
The following efficient, modern, and long term communication tools are now available to help propel your efforts:
Discourse - Our communications hub for discussions, collaborations, development of events, and other structured content. Dynamic but slowly evolving or long lasting content generated by the community. Content that has value over a longer period that needs to be easily accessible.
Discord - Fast moving RICH media conversations relevant at the time. Content is retrievable by searching the message stack. The RC-SPL discord channel utilises a permanent invitation link: https://discord.gg/muhUz7E.
IRC - Fast moving lite-weight conversations relevant at the time but not likely to be needed later. Content is lost unless aggregation tools are used. Two IRC channels, hosted on Freenode
exist: #robocup-spl-teams
and #robocup-spl-technical
In addition to the above, a Slack workspace dedicated to the V6 Nao robot model exists at: rc-spl-v6.slack.com (please contact the OC for an invitation to this workspace).
Discourse Trust Levels
The Discourse forum engine automatically grants certain privileges to members over time as members interact in the forum. For an explanation of how Trust Levels work, please see: https://blog.discourse.org/2018/06/understanding-discourse-trust-levels/