This is an announcement about the release of open source ROS2 packages for SPL.
GameController SPL
Let’s you communicate with the GameController through ROS topics! (adhering to SPL rules)
Handles the networking and packet serialization for Robot-GameController communication that adheres to RoboCup SPL rules.
You can simply subscribe to a topic for the RoboCup GameControl Data, and publish back RoboCup GameControl Return Data on a different topic for the GameController to receive.
Robot2Robot SPL
Let’s you communicate with teammate robots through ROS topics! (adhering to SPL rules)
Handles the networking and UDP packet serialization for intra-team communication that adheres to RoboCup SPL rules.
You can simply publish an SPLStandardMessage on a ROS topic on the first robot, and listen to those messages through a ROS topic on a second robot.
What are some benefits?
- These packages will be maintained and updated for upcoming main and regional competitions across all active ROS2 distributions.
- These packages will be soon released as binaries into the ROS ecosystem. (ie. If you’re running Ubuntu on the robot, you can install the package through a one-line
command!) - You don’t have to announce code usage in the SPL mailing list.
Feel free to get in touch!
If you want to try out the packages, get in touch! Ping me on or on SPL Discoord @ijnek
Side note
Examples on how to communicate with the GameController with python have been added to the RoboCup SPL GameController repository, check it out!